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Hi, any1 having any problems with PA on the netduma with sky? Iv got 37down and 5up ping about 40ish, the Duma is in DMZ with the sky SR-101 as advised by the people for Duma. It's Just no matter what % I put the PA on I cant get it under 40ms, and in game shows 50ms and above, I can get better in game ping without the Duma, is the SR-101 causing problems? Can I set you the Duma without going through the SR-101 just straight to the BT openreach? Many Thanks

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Hi, any1 having any problems with PA on the netduma with sky? Iv got 37down and 5up ping about 40ish, the Duma is in DMZ with the sky SR-101 as advised by the people for Duma. It's Just no matter what % I put the PA on I cant get it under 40ms, and in game shows 50ms and above, I can get better in game ping without the Duma, is the SR-101 causing problems? Can I set you the Duma without going through the SR-101 just straight to the BT openreach? Many Thanks

You could use another router with the Open Reach Modem but Sky dont allow you to. However i have video on my channel HERE on how to extract your Username and Password from you existing Sky Router to use on a non Sky Router. Once you have your info you can use the Duma as the sole Router, i have not tried this yet as i need to go in the loft and dig out my Open Reach Modem which has been flashed with a custom firmware. Give it a try and let me know how you get on. If you dont want to go down that router you can follow the tutorial HERE  on how to set up the Duma with Sky Fibre, i know its a SR-102 and you have the SR-101 but it is the same set up once your modem is connected to your Sky Hub.

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So once I have the username and password from the sky sr101 I put this info in the netduma where does this information go on the netduma? do you think the sr101 is the problem me not achieving any Lower ping? Thanks

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