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Destiny Gameplays


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can you post your netduma settings for Destiny? I'm curious to know your set up. Thanks.


I have my home location set bottom end of UK and distance 1074km stricked no ping assist.

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No ping assist? Is it better without it on Destiny? Thanks


Iian mentioned that we are all hosts so i'm not sure if ping assist is going to help hmmm wouldn't mind the duma gods chiming in on this one.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hey Jerry,


I was wondering if you could post a screenshot of your geo-filter please. Also which circle to you ping while playing Destiny?



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Hey Jerry,


I was wondering if you could post a screenshot of your geo-filter please. Also which circle to you ping while playing Destiny?




No probs i'll be on later tonight as for circle i tend to ping the big circle during matchmaking sometimes it can change to someone else before the countdown ends after that everyone has the same size circle i always thought this was the host being selected.


Ps i can do a matchmaking pic then an in game pic.

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Here you go Iian couple of games from tonight the single large circle is the last count of the matchmaking if that means anything then all circles are same size during the match.











Final game was a bit dodgy hope these help some



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Cheers Jerry, did something break at the end, why you getting hosts outside the circle mate?


Thats what happens with geo disabled.


Any idea the reason for the large circle during the countdown?

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ahh ok, why did you disable it if you don't mind me asking?


On the big circle, anything I say would just be a guess. My speculation is that circle is maybe getting the rest of them in sync before the game starts. Either way it doesn't matter, only in game ping matters. It seems like Destiny is purely P2P which means localisation should be the best as all players will be low distance! 

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