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How set netduma to work with a IP TV receiver.

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Hello, I've installed the IP TV service in my home, it's working fine when connected directly to the main router, but don't start up when connected to netduma.

I know it's a IP TV receiver and it needs to connect to main router in order to validate the Identification to start the device.


here are my IP, can anyone help me how to config in order to connect the IP TV receiver directly to netduma?




    IPTV Address
IPTV Netmask
IPTV Gateway


Thanks in advance.

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If it needs to connect to the main router to validate then it may not work, however you could go to Settings > WAN and change to static with the info you've provided above. Might not work but that's the place you can put it

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Hello, thanks for your answer, yes that's how I've connected now, directly to main router. But the problem comes when my wife/son start browsing channels or channels lists from the TV IP receiver, I suffer more lag when playing, around 5-10 seconds after the IP TV buffer is enough to load the channel...


As I've tested this 2 weeks directly to main router, I'm asking hot to configure with netduma to avoid this problems and have the rest of family happy.


Thanks in advance.

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