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Netduma Test Case Question

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I play COD (BO1 through AW and soon into BO3) with a friend in the VERY RURAL area of Alabama.  He is so far out into the rural (farm land) area that the fastest internet bandwidth available is like 1.5Mbps down and 0.4Mbps up.  While he is working with various companies to see if it is even possible increase this, let's just assume that he cannot change his internet.  


1) Would a Netduma help him with online gaming performance even with a very low bandwidth?  If so, how much do you think that it would help?


2) Would congestion control even be able to help or would it just hurt?


3) Would the new jitter / anti-spike algorithms help?  If so, how much do you think that it would help?


We are often playing together and he still does very well.  I just keep wondering how the Netduma would work in his scenario.

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  • Netduma Staff

I think it would help him lots :) He still has plenty of gaming for bandwidth so if he has the Netduma he will be able to make sure his console always have enough bandwidth so therefore hopefully no lag :)


The new algorithms should also help him as he won't have to cap the speeds at all and won't get any jitter when others use the internet :)

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I assumed that it would help, but I was wondering how much.  With such a low upload, how would he even use congestion control and anti-flood? It seems like device priorization would help if he had other people on the network.  Would he even be able to throttle the upload and downloads?

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