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Tips on new R1 setup for PS4

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Hey Guys,


Just ordered my R1 yesterday and am really excited to try it out. Just had a couple quick questions to get me started before it got here:


1. What version does it come with and can I just upgrade straight to .7 (to get the nice new features with Playstation PA) or will I have to step upgrade by build? Just don't want to brick it right out the box. 


2. I've read a lot about Pre-emptive vs Reactive and most say below 50 should be preemptive (if I remember correctly). So if I am right at 50mbps, what would you guys suggest I set it on.


3. Last one I can think of is what would be a good congestion control to set up if my wife wants to watch netflix on our smart tv while I play ps4 online? I'm not quite sure how much bandwidth either take (until I get the R1 that is =P). Sidenote, we do have a 4k TV and I have read up to 25mbps, curious if I will see any trouble with congestion control setting aside enough bandwidth for both if she wants to watch Breaking Bad 4k while I play. 


Thanks in advanced. Love the support and community already and haven't been here long. Seems to be pretty quick at answering and very helpful. Sorry if any of these questions have already been answered in another post. Also any other tips would be greatly appreciated. I'm looking forward to getting up and running as soon as possible once it arrives. 



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  • Netduma Staff

I will answer your questions in order :)


1) It comes with .2. .7 is in open beta so if you've just got it I would recommend upgrading to .6 as it is the latest stable version. .7 may degrade your experience as of now as it still has bugs which haven't been ironed out. You don't have to upgrade step by step. You can just download the latest firmware and flash it straight to the router and then you will have upgraded to that version!


2) I would set it to preemptive. I think reactive is for over 60mpbs if I remember correctly :)


3) Probably best to set anti-flood between 60-70, although experimenting will get you the pest results. As netflix only uses download, you will probably be ok keeping the 'Share Excess' box ticked and allocating your PS4 about 30%.


I hope I helped.


If you got any more questions ask away! :D

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  • 10 months later...

Hey jreal...if your having problems setting up your duma just make another thread in support and give us some more specific details on the issues your having and we'll get you up and running.

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