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Just to be clear, I nolonger currently have this issue.


After installing the R1 and setting it all up, I couldn't see any connections in the Geo-Filter. I had updated to .6, I had internet connection, and everything else seemed to work fine.


The only two somewhat unusual things in my setup were that I changed the LAN IP and I use a range extender connected to my PS4. So I have R1(WiFi enabled)>WiFi Router>RangeExtender>PS4. I ran wired to the PS4 before but there was no difference in connection from running wirelessly with the range extender.


When I first started playing after the installation, I did see some of the hosts outside of my range pop up, but none in my safe area and the others only popped up for a second. I think that the issue had to do with my setting the range extender to the R1 rather than the other WiFi router, but I changed several things before I could retest and I don't want to revert now and toggle changes. It's all working now and it would take time and a lot of patience on my wife's part; she wasn't a fan of the internet going on and off while she was doing online school work.


I updated to .7 thinking that might fix the issue (it had no affect) and I did revert the IP back to the default, but I don't know what that would change to make it work. The other thing that I noticed was that the second WiFi router seems to be the device that needs to have the "Select Games/Services" setup for the PSN and be enabled for the Geo-Filter to work.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Password,


Thanks for purchasing the R1.


If you don't see any circles at all then its because you have not selected the right device and service at the top.


You correctly identfied you need to pick the other router not your console. The reasoning is quite complicated, but put simply if you put devices behind a router they appear as one device(the router) to everything on the other side.


Hope that helps, and Im glad you fixed it. Hope you have fun 

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Thanks for the quick reply Iain. Sorry for the confusion, I thought that I had mentioned my original setup that didn't work, but I didn't. What I had originally was the R1>RangeExtender>PS4 as well as R1>WiFiRouter>All other devices. I had the range extender in the services then as well as the PS4; I wasn't certain how the R1 would resolve the range extender. It was that setup that had all of the issues. I later attached the range extender to the other WiFi and put that router into the service and all seems well.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

I would have thought the range extender would not come up and you could select the ps4. The fact you can see both is odd but it explains why it wouldn't work.


Are you ok to play on your current setup?

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Yes, after a few tweaks I got everything working; now I just have to spend some time in game with it. I wish that I could tell you exactly what I did to fix it, but like I said, I changed so many things before retesting that I don't know what thing or combination of things fixed the issue.


Is there an easy way to force the R1 to rediscover my network from scratch? I don't want to have to reset it to run tests but I am curious what caused the issue and what fixed it. Right now I can delete equipment and then the router will see it again once I restart it, but otherwise it's not visible in the GUI and I'm not certain if the R1 sees it anymore. I was just thinking that it may be possible that, because I had the range extender connected to the other network when I setup the R1 and then reset it after, and connected it to the R1 then, that there was some issue resolving the device.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi mate,


honestly if its working I think its a case of if it ain't broken don't fix it. It sounds to me like you probably connected to the wrong network at one point. But I wouldn't fiddle with these things, once they're working they will just continue to function correctly :)

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