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Adding a friend to the allow list


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Hi everyone. I'm having a hard time adding a friend to my allow list. We've gone into private match and his dot doesn't show up. I then thought I found his dot and I clicked it but it wouldn't let me update. It only had the Ping and Trace buttons.


Also, when I had my geofilter on with Ping Assist, we couldn't hear each other talk in party chat. Any help would be great! Thanks!

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Hey Alex,


Disable the geo-filter, then go into the private room with them.  Zoom all the way out and see if you see a red dot, your friend has to be red dot...


The Yellow dots are servers, so are the white servers and you can't friend white/yellow dots.

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Your friends dot may not be in the location you expect (which is why abc said to zoom all the way out).


If geo-filter is disabled (best to do this before you have searched for a game at all as this will avoid any left over circles) then the only circle which is visible is your friend regardless if you feel the location is wrong.

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