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My Netduma is severly slowing my connection - Help!


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I noticed that when I turn on my iMac it's slow loading the internet, this just started happening since I connected the Netduma to all my devices. I was curious about this so I disconnected my iMac from the Netduma and plugged it right to the Modem.


I ran a speed test with the Mac connected to Netduma and the results where terrible 54ping 9.67down and 8.47 up. I immediatly disconected and plugged into the modem and the results where quite different.


Speed test with Mac connected to Modem was 8ping 89.46down and 11.74 up.


So my question is - something has to be wrong with my setting - where would be a good place for me to start looking?


I opened my DMZ to the NetDuma I also changed my flood control back to 100% since I am not gaming, did I set this up wrong?


Any help is much appreciated!


P.S:I'm attaching screenshots for your reference.





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