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My dilemma


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Hi folks,

I've been gaming with the Duma for a few weeks now and found that I have an interesting dilemma. 


First and foremost, the Duma works as advertised and the support has been outstanding.  When I've posted any minor problems on the forum they've been answered quickly.  I run a Comcast branded Arris modem running bridged to the Duma and it handles all of my routing now.


My dilemma is that when I run solo(which is rare) and I have my geofilter set to less than 1KM, strict mode, open NAT, my ping is usually rock steady at no more than 40-50ms.  Hit detection is excellent.  I can usually top the leaderboard.  I'm no pro and have decent stats(1.7KD, 450ish spm on AW, prior CODs are closer to 2.0 KD) 


But, I mostly play with my clanmates and they are spread over the entire country(am on the east coast in the US), and the clan mates I play with the most are usually on the west coast as I start gaming around 930-1000pm after my wife and boy are tucked away.


So this creates a dilemma.  Since my clan is spread across the country, when I set the filter around me, I have great connection and they have horrible connection.  When I set to the middle of the country or on the west coast, their connection improves slightly, mine is still fine, but now we're stuck with a matchmaking dilemma.  Since my stats are decent, *it seems* that the lobbies that COD AW gives me are full of try hards and the party has a horrible time because either their connection stinks, we pull a tough lobby because of matchmaking, or a combination of both.


*I emphasize the "seems" part because I'm unsure of how matchmaking truly works as most people are unsure as well*


Lately the party leader duties have been passed off to others to get better lobbies and my geofilter is now disabled.  So now, most nights I don't get to utilize the Duma which stinks.



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I would be interested in this as well. I think it may be an option to get your Clan Members as your friends and "allow list" but I am not sure.

Hopefully someone can answer.  I am on PC, are you PC or console?

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi not the answer you want but you have understood all the options. You're trying to do the opposite of the geofilters goal which is impossible. Namely long distance low

Latency games.


Your options as you stated are a simple trade off. Closer to you the happier you are unhappier they are and vice versa. This is more of a social-political problem then a technology one.


Or get new friends :P joking

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Guest Netduma_Iain

I don't think it's fair to blame cod you're trying to do something impossible namely have a good connection for people across USA.


Maybe you could do things like alternate locations. Like 5 games easy coast then 5 games west coast. I don't know but there will be an optimum compromise of some sort.


Just to be clear you realise you can move your home right?

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I would put your home somewhere in between you and your clan members,kinda split the difference as best you can.That way hopefully you'll get the best of both worlds.Might not be as on point as when you run solo but shouldn't be horrible either.Play around with the best location for the best games for everyone involved.

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