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How to Stream to YouTube Gaming with OBS | OBS Tutorial


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Thanks, for posting Raddy1993 :)


Twitch, however, is still the stream king. Even the PS4 and XB1 have direct feeds into Twitch if gamers choose.


Youtube Gaming is more or less an advanced filter that will separate out actual gaming content (streams, videos) versus what 

it had before where if you put in "Gears of War", for example, you might get videos on the game, but also "Top Gear" and videos on actual

gears somebody might be swapping out on their car, etc.


I don't see YTG being any real game changer as much as Google wants it to be.


Sorry, for the OT, but I feel YTG has a long way to go to compete with Twitch just in terms of features, back end and ease-of-use.

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Have you tried it yet Con?


Twitch is king but can now be dethroned with a viable alternative.  The actual site is separate from the youtube channel (https://gaming.youtube.com/) and can easily search for games then separate via live, and etc.


Not only that, if you want to stream with your super uber upload you're not limited at all and the crowd can select the proper speed for his/her viewing.



Now if you're a big Twitch personality, that's a different thing altogether.  I think it's good to have a competition since us the consumers win in the end =P

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The thing is, I don't think YTG is any real competition. It's a novelty and will never dethrone Twitch, IMO.


The main reason a majority of users use Twitch is they make a lot more money (donations + ad revenue; 50/50 split between Twitch / Streamer) than YT will ever allow an individual to make. Amazon owns Twitch and Google owns YT, but YT has a lot more restrictions on their content whereas Twitch doesn't, more or less. Yes, there are rules and copyright laws must be obeyed, but they are far more lenient on small things that YT throws a hissy fit about thanks to the copyright bots running in the background.


In other words, Streamers can have a snippet of a copyrighted song as their donation announcement, but that same snippet would be flagged on YT and the contents (the stream) banned from certain countries not because it is "inappropriate", but because of so-called copyright infringement of a 10 second snippet of a song. That's just one example. The other is just brand recognition. YT is known for pre-recorded content. Twitch is for live content. That, itself, will be hard to change given how entrenched BOTH brands are in people's minds.

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i stream on twitch from time to time, mostly when i am drunk playing CoD. sometimes playing minecraft... its easy to setup and hit a stream button. always wanted to stream on YT instead though when i used to post videos up there of minecraft lets play and CoD commentary. i havent uploded anything in over a year now though. i am not sure how this YT thing will go over but i have way more subs on YT than twitch.

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You have more subs on YT because your audience is looking for pre-recorded content like "Let's Play" and commentary whereas Twitch viewers are looking for real time game play and interaction. You were probably on YT long before Twitch became what it is today, I assume? Twitch only really took off in the last few years whereas YT has been around almost a decade, now. I used to have a channel on YT, too, with 4K subscribers around 2009, but it was hacked and all my content deleted :(


Also, let's be honest. If you are a female streamer who is remotely attractive, you'll get a following a lot faster, for obvious reasons e.g. the primary audience for video games are hormone crazed adolescent males. I know because I am a chat moderator for a female streamer. However, the top Twitch streamers are male (Lirik, Summit), so it all comes down to personality and game play skills, too. 

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twitch has a horrible hump, if no viewers there is no interaction. no interaction makes it harder to get viewers. catch22 of sorts.


i do prefer the pre-recorded thing even watching, though i dont watch much gaming stuff anymore. but it allows me to view on my own time rather than real time. i find streaming rather boring.

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twitch has a horrible hump, if no viewers there is no interaction. no interaction makes it harder to get viewers. catch22 of sorts.


i do prefer the pre-recorded thing even watching, though i dont watch much gaming stuff anymore. but it allows me to view on my own time rather than real time. i find streaming rather boring.


True. This is why Twitch is more reliant on personality(s) than even YT. 


The person streaming has to be able to engage with their audience while playing a game and also keep their audience engaged via the game play itself. Unlike pre-recorded game play, there is no "edit" button. What Twitch is reminiscent of is the golden days of radio before TV came about. There were no second chances, so it's interesting how "the more things change, the more they stay the same", or cycle again even after 60+ years :)

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 "the more things change, the more they stay the same",


Modern Warfare 2 quote, :)

Isnt PS4 update going to allow live streaming straight to youtube? Forgive me if I am being a dumbass and missed something here but I have no idea what OBS is.

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