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Download and Upload speeds slower plugged into router than not

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I just installed my router. It's plugged into the Ethernet port in the wall, and my PC is plugged into the router. If I plug my PC into the wall without the router, I have 95 mbps upload and download. If I plug it into the router, I get 60 mpbs upload and 30 mbps download.


Originally I thought this was a problem with my bandwidth settings in the router, as they were stubborn to change when I tried to update them, but now they both say 95 and the issue still persists.


The ping stays the same, though.


Could someone tell me how to fix this? Thanks.

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  • Netduma Staff

I'm using Edge, and I just enabled all cookies. Went back to my router setup and it had magically changed to reactive. The internet speeds seem to be back to normal. Thanks!


Just a heads up, I believe that some things don't work on the Netduma when using the Edge browser :) But as this and the original issue are sorted, I'll close the thread. Feel free to make a new one with any more issues :)

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