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r1 feature congestion control

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have 150 down and 7 up tested my speed on xbox network settings with congestion at 70 percent or even higher and everytime i do my speed drops tremendously also have already disabled deep packet processing and using the algorythym reactive so i thought by lowering this bar it is suppose to help. 

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Hi F3arless - You confused me.


Are you running a speed test with your sliders set to (70) and you are seeing your numbers drop from when you ran the speed test prior to getting the router?  If so, the router is working properly because you have 70, out of 100, set.  Slide them up to 100 and re-run the speed test, let's see what that does. :)

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yes i have three people on my network, i do a speed test when its on 70 congestion download and upload sliders... and its like 34 down then i move the sliders back up to 100 and boom i get all my speed back doing the opposite of what it is supposed too.

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yes i have three people on my network, i do a speed test when its on 70 congestion download and upload sliders... and its like 34 down then i move the sliders back up to 100 and boom i get all my speed back doing the opposite of what it is supposed too.


Yeah, like Buds said above, it's actually the OPPOSITE of how you are viewing it.  When you are allocating at 70(%), you are leaving 30(%) behind, thus you aren't running wide open during your speed test.  I think of this as the "amount of my internet" I want to allocate to gaming, or whatever I have connected to the Net Duma

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in the video he shows multiple things being downloaded and his ping suffers, then the moves the sliders down and the ping goes back down. this feature is made to make it where if my roommates are downloading then im not being effected am I wrong?

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Sorry. Which video and who is "he"? Is this a Net Duma video? Or a YouTube video from someone else?


I think I have the gist of your question, but I need to see you set up, or a copy of the video you watched to set it up, to see exactly where the difference resides.

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Okay, that video is about the cogestion control, but I am unsure of the wiring config for that video and I am on my phone during the commute. Let me check a few things between now and when I get home, and I'll get some further info for you unless one of the other guys stops by. We'll get you some info tonight though so you can try it out.

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Just doing some 're-reading here. Is the question about why the speed drops when you run 70%? Or are your roommates/you having problems with the quality of games or other downloads with it at 70%?

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Okay, I think I need to take a step back here and talk this through to make sure we are talking about the same items.


In the video, they are reducing the sliders and you see the ping change.  **That amount, the 65% in the video, is how much bandwidth is being left for the REST of the devices in the house to share.  That other 35% is what you are allocating to the game console.


So in the example, if their speed were a perfect 100, and you "protected" 35 of it for console gaming, your speed would be 65, because that is what is left over.


Does that make sense?




** I am going to have Crossy, Zennon or Fraser look at this later (morning in the UK) to make sure I am not speaking out of turn here.

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By setting your sliders to 70% or whatever you choose ,as long as it is not 100%, it is allowing your gaming packets to not be congested or backed up in your router and they are able to flow out of your router to the destination and back with no impedence. Think of it as reserve bandwidth that is only used when needed. This allows for your optimum ping.

Yes your bandwidth will be lowered but your ping will be king.

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  • Netduma Staff

Just to add to what was said above, there is some more information about congestion control and how it works here and here.


But your questions seams to have been answered so I'll close the thread :) Feel free to make a new one if you have another question.

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