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Last Hurdle


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I'm very, very close to getting this router.  It sounds like it's exactly what i've been waiting for and need.


The last hurdle before purchasing is - the wife.


I think the R1 router will do exactly what i want, but my wife is concerned it may not and is asking if there are any gaurantee's or possible returns if it doesn't.  I would appreciate any info that i could give to her and ease her concerns.

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I have a degree in computer engineering, work as a Senior Developer, Platform Solutions Architect, and as a Pen Tester.  I promise that since Netduma's software is built on top of OpenWRT there is nothing better on the market software wise.  


Netduma haven't opened up all the config files yet, but trust me OpenWRT is the best firmware on the market it rivals the $4,000 routers for large corporations.


I don't work for netduma and have no stock in whether you buy this router or not, but the simple truth is this...With OpenWRT you don't have to reboot the router because it "stops" working...you don't have to worry about anything...you configure it and then forget it.  With the netduma's added functionality like geo-filtering you will be playing with it more often but it will be just as solid i'm sure.


If you can list exact concerns i'll happily answer the best i can.

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I'm very, very close to getting this router.  It sounds like it's exactly what i've been waiting for and need.


The last hurdle before purchasing is - the wife.


I think the R1 router will do exactly what i want, but my wife is concerned it may not and is asking if there are any gaurantee's or possible returns if it doesn't.  I would appreciate any info that i could give to her and ease her concerns.


Hi there,

Ok one thing we want to make sure is anyone buying our router does so knowing how this can help them, in their gaming needs and more importantly marital harmony is kept ;)


I think the best thing to do is if you let us know what your needs are we can go through how our various features can help you.


In regards to returns we offer full consumer rights , but our ultimate aim is to make sure everyone is happy.



One thing I would just like to clarify whilst abc123 is correct our software was built on openwrt as a foundation  all our software is unique developed by us. 

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Thank you guys.  She was mostly concerned that i may not be able to return it, if for some reason it didn't work when received. Which is understandable as that has a small percent chance of happening with any product.  I'll be ordering within the next few hours.

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Hi there,

Ok one thing we want to make sure is anyone buying our router does so knowing how this can help them, in their gaming needs and more importantly marital harmony is kept ;)


I think the best thing to do is if you let us know what your needs are we can go through how our various features can help you.


In regards to returns we offer full consumer rights , but our ultimate aim is to make sure everyone is happy.



One thing I would just like to clarify whilst abc123 is correct our software was built on openwrt as a foundation  all our software is unique developed by us. 

correct, but with a foundation of OpenWRT, you have one of the most solid foundations available.


The work that i've been told your company has done is nothing but wise (fixing outdated algorithms) and making things easier for the normal man...where openWRT allows for anything and everything sometimes you need unix and VI experience with your GUIs i've seen that this isn't needed.  Makes me happy to see, hopefully in the future an OpenSDK is released to allow for GUIs made by users to be added.

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