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What if all my friends all get R1's?


How will this work if I have a friends in California, Florida, CT, (every corner of the US), and we all set our Geo-Filters to our home locations. We would obviously have to host approve each other to play together outside each others filter but where will the pool of players pull from?


After showing my friends the R1 a few are considering buying it.

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as previously discussed with Iain, this really needs to be a feature.


Mark a dot a friend, geo-filter adapts to this and makes the best locations (IE middle ground)...multiple dumas aren't going to change your issue...


you just need the code that i just spoke of above from Iain...which means polygons on geo-filter maybe in version 1.02.9

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Guest Netduma Fraser

What if all my friends all get R1's?


How will this work if I have a friends in California, Florida, CT, (every corner of the US), and we all set our Geo-Filters to our home locations. We would obviously have to host approve each other to play together outside each others filter but where will the pool of players pull from?


After showing my friends the R1 a few are considering buying it.


This is my speculation, I would suspect that either, one of you gets host and the rest of you experience an okay to laggy game or that one of you would get pulled into a game and everyone else gets booted. I would suggest adding each other to the allow list like you said and then all putting your home locations in a location thats the mid point for all of you. Maybe others can post if theyve tried something like this.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

I think its so awesome that its essentially a Venn diagram, but furthermore the positioning of the Venn diagram is actually important as well. Usually with a venn diagram the positioning is irrelevant. In that you can swap circles around BUT with multiple geo-filters its LITERALLY like the diagram. I think that's cool!




So if this was your three friends geo-filters you'd only get hosts in the white region. 

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What we do, only one of us turn on GF and host the party, set the home location to an area that basically central to us all.


Works like a charm and we get to pass around who gets R1/GF duty for the evening.


Some nights I do not mind being the "designated driver", but other nights, I just want to be the "passenger".  ;)

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that's too limiting of an area...


i like the concept but don't think it will work well in practice.  Basically you should find the center of the venn diagram then make a circle with radius X from there X being the geo-filter size

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Awesome Marvin!


Abc & everyone else that is not a feature request. I'm telling you what would happen if a bunch of you play together and have filters. I'd highly recommend doing what Marvin does. Unless your friends don't have a duma in which case tell them "Get your own you freeloader!". I'm joking obviously, do what Marvin suggests for now till we come up with some ideas for optimising for friends :)

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I guess i'm lucky in the fact that my friends with duma's all live with in 30 miles of me.We partied up a few nights and i hit a dedi 402 km away from me and they had the time of there lives.Needless to say they own duma's now.

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