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Hi all , I have been having issues for almost 7 years with high ping in games , never ending lag . Here is a list of things I have done over the years to try solve it 

Changed isp 3 times (currently on 1Gb full fiber )

Changed cabling out (currently playing using cat 8 ethernet cable )

Been through numerous routers ( currently using night hawk 500)

All the basics of changing dns , tried port forwarding , non of these thing have made a difference . I'm not sure if it is my ISP throttling me or not , I play destiny 2 which is bandwidth intensive .

Does any one have any ideas at all that I may have missed or something I could possibly try , any help I would be very grateful of 

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  • What is the model of the modem/router the XR is connected to and how have you set that to ensure all traffic flows to the XR? E.g XR in its DMZ, modem/bridge mode
  • Are ALL devices connected to the XR?
  • What are the speeds you pay for/receive? 
  • Have you entered those speeds into the router?
  • How have you setup Congestion Control?
  • How have you setup Traffic Prioritization?
  • What platform are you playing on and how is it connected, via ethernet or WiFi?
  • Are you using the Geo-Filter?

DNS & Port Forwarding won't have any impact on lag and games barely use any bandwidth - if figures for Destiny online are correct then even though it does use more than most games it still only uses 0.6Mbps. 

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Hi Fraser thankyou for your reply 

.Nighthawk XR500

.it's connected to a box that i assume is acting as a modem that is provided by my isp on the wall via cat 8 ethernet cable 

.I am playing on a wierd cat 8 ether net

.The XR500 is in Router Mode

.All devices are connected , although we only have the tv , 2 mobile phones ,1 laptop , and xbox series x on the system .

.I play on an xbox series x (how ever I did play on pc with a powerful pc and still experienced all the same issues )

.I have 1gig Internet and consistently get 900 up and down consistently wierd I have not set these speeds on the router how ever I have set the router to give 70% of the upload and download speed in the QOS 

. I tried to use the geo filter but had to turn it off as I was getting booted out of pvp games as they were loading in 

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What ping are you seeing in the game? You can have the Geo-Filter enabled but in spectating mode so it won't filter but you can see the ping still - what does the ping say on the Geo-Filter also? Where is the server in relation to you that its putting you on?

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