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20-50millisec ping


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Hey....I have had netduma for over a year and I have noticed that from like 20 something millisecond ping to like 50 something millisecond ping to almost 60millisec ping I can't really tell the difference in cod I play infinite warfare and sometimes the players be lagging but they can still kill me with no problem like on the kill cam they have the lag symbols

But I noticed on like under 20milliseconds you can see a difference 


Does anyone else noticed this or it's just me or is it the lag compensation?

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  • Administrators
  • What is the model of the modem/router the R3 is connected to and how have you set that to ensure all traffic flows to the R3? E.g R3 in its DMZ, modem/bridge mode
  • Are ALL devices connected to the R3?
  • What are the speeds you pay for/receive? 
  • Have you entered those speeds into the router?
  • How have you setup Congestion Control?
  • How have you setup SmartBOOST?
  • What platform are you playing on and how is it connected, via ethernet or WiFi?
  • How have you setup the Geo-Filter?
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Metronet,500 up and down,wired, it's the same for the speeds rather I change them or not but i keep them 100upand down to minimize buffer bloat,on ps5,smart boost left it the same cus had issues 1.2mb down load and 300kbps upload, congestion control gaming top priority with only ps5 as only device, never tried dmz bridge just seen dmz but it was asking to put stuff in I didn't understand.


And I'm curious about do anyone see a difference in game from 20millisec-50millisec mines was like 50 then when I went to fiber it's like 20-35 but only difference I seen is more consistency 

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