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Coming from XR1000v2 to R3


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So my xr1000v2 constantly dropped connection wired and I would have no internet. My setup is my Calix router/modem which will remain active and my main wifi router.

The wifi will be off on the R3 and only connected to my xbox series x if I can access the DumaOS from a wan ip. If i cant access via wan ip my stream pc will also be connected to the R3. The R3 will be in DMZ from my Calix router and the xbox will have a static ip and dmz from the R3. 

So my questions are can you access the Duma os from a wan ip connection and 2 is this the best way to do this. I have 2gb symmetrical speed so qos is a non issue.

Main use is for geofilter and gaming features.

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No you can't do that unfortunately. You could enable just 2.4GHz WiFi on the R3, hide the broadcast and just have your phone be able to connect to it and use the DumaOS app to access.

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