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Steady Ping not stabilizing

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When going into a private match steady ping works consistently. Since the start of season 2 steady ping does not stabilize in live multiplayer matches. 

I'm in Colorado and when connecting to a private match server it normally chooses Utah which is the closest one to me. The Utah server always stabilizes in private match. I don't know if the Utah server stabilizes properly when in multiplayer as it rarely shows up and I haven't been able to play much. 

The servers multiplayer I connect to most consistently are Chicago and Atlanta. Both of which used to stabilize with no problem but recently have not.

For those who would like to test try going into private match first and see what server you connect to and if it stabilizes. I'd report those findings here. Then do the same with multiplayer. See if anything stabilizes. 

Hopefully that info would be helpful and narrowing down what is causing the issue and fingers crossed that NetDuma can get it fixed!



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Game servers don't respond to traditional pings so we try to be clever in order to get a successful ping but it doesn't always work. It will then try to fall back to the trace method which won't give you the correct ping in most cases but hopefully somewhere near it, however this can also fail. Then because it's unable to determine the true ping it can't know what value it needs to apply with Steady Ping.

We're working on a new ping method that may help but I don't have an ETA for this.

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