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Time Went Backwards Error in Logs


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I just updated to the latest firmware on my R3 (v4.0.540) yesterday and was checking the log this morning to see if previous errors had went away and it did! But I also noticed a time error in the logs.


daemon.err cli.lua[4247]: [WARNING]: ct e5ef5b01: time went backwards!

*I've attached an export of my system logs to this post and I see this error 884 times. So it's definitely cause the logs to be bloated.

More Information:

I see this error being logged every few seconds. In my system time I have it set to US Eastern Time (GMT-5) and the time appears to be correct. This error didn't show up in system logs before the latest firmware update. This is a WARNING tag instead of an ERROR so it shouldn't be of concern but since it's being logged every few seconds I want to make you aware of it, maybe this was not intended.


Is there anything I can do to prevent this from being logged? Or should I be worried about this error in the logs? Either way I want to report this to you in case you didn't know.





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