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Port forwarding hybrid VPN for a newbie

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Hi everyone,


Finally joined the dumsOS gang today with my xr500. Everything is up and running and seems to be running smoothly (yet to test geofencing in game).

I have set up my hybrid VPN and tested this by adding my phone as a device, seems to be working. 

But when playing, I only want certain ports to be forwarded to my PS5. 

Can someone, in simple terms show me how to do this in my advanced settings. 

I see source/destination ports start and end and have no idea what to enter here. Tried looking for previous threads and the numbers are listed but not where to put them! Probably asking a very stupid question here. 


Thanks in advance! 


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For a console you'll need to cover the whole device really otherwise it may not work properly.

You can try it though, just port the same port number in every box or for a range, the first number in the first boxes and last in the last boxes.

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13 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

For a console you'll need to cover the whole device really otherwise it may not work properly.

You can try it though, just port the same port number in every box or for a range, the first number in the first boxes and last in the last boxes.

Appreciate the response Fraser!

I'm looking to use it in connection with geofencing on call of duty so only want to send the ports that make the game think I'm in my VPN location but not actually move me. 

From an old thread these are the rules suggested

"Source 1-65535 dest 3074 tcp/udp


Source 1-65535 dest 443 tcp"


But other have mentioned one further rule. 


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1 hour ago, Ritchie1909 said:

Appreciate the response Fraser!

I'm looking to use it in connection with geofencing on call of duty so only want to send the ports that make the game think I'm in my VPN location but not actually move me. 

From an old thread these are the rules suggested

"Source 1-65535 dest 3074 tcp/udp


Source 1-65535 dest 443 tcp"


But other have mentioned one further rule. 


Apologies for the double post Fraser but now my "add service" bit on the hybrid VPN is greyed out for some reason. 


So I can't enter ports. 

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6 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

You'll need to delete it from HVPN, go to Device Manager, change it to a PC then you can add it and make those changes

Thanks Fraser! That has opened it up. 

As I say, this is all a bit new to me. 

Can you confirm if this is how I input them? And if the ports listed are correct?


Sorry for the multitude of questions. 1738337884662723244983994944142.thumb.jpg.3ff4e6bc487f516d046a66d3bf24b157.jpg

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23 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

No worries, that's what I'm here for, put number 1 in the first box and then you're good

And both numbers for destination port remain the same? 

So my second one, my screen would read


Start: 1

End: 65535


Start: 443

End: 443

Protocol: TCP


Is this right? 




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