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need help with my router i think its gone bad im having issues with gameplay when the routers go bad since yesterday was not having this kind of problems with it before untilll now im paying 1 gig internet is there any way i could exchange the router or a refund bought the router on September 24 2024 speed1.png.3116d6e680c13447b3c9fb63c1e1294d.png


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You've not really explained your issue at all, if it's your bufferbloat results then you just need to fine tune your Congestion Control settings to find what works best

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my bufferbloat results used to be fine untill now used to get Down Load active on 0 and  0 upload active since September untill now i know when my router gose bad i can feel it in gameplay input  and with speed tests i can go buy a new router and compre it to show results not sure why the router has gone bad now 


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i have not updated any thing   and why would i need to fine tune it now never had a problem with it untill now i would always get a perfect score on bufferbloat and on speed testes and gameplay felt good untill few a days ago i already tryd what u said fine tuneing and it still receiving bad scores on buffeerbloat and speed tests and my internet wifi is droping connection on some devices now its the router brother where can i exchange it or refund it ??

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If you haven't changed anything then also nothing on the router has changed so that would indicate either your internet usage has increased/decreased which would effect the results or something on the line from your ISP has changed. Either way if you fine tune Congestion Control it should be better. Also just to be safe, what is the model of the modem/router the R3 is connected to and how have you set that to ensure all traffic flows to the R3? E.g. R3 in its DMZ, modem/bridge mode

We wouldn't provide an exchange or a refund for this because it's a common query that just needs changes to be made and isn't indicative of a fault at all.

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my internet was  increased from 100mbps to 1GIG i dont think me increaseing my internet would make my scores on buffer bloat and speeds test go bad and gameplay and videos loading slow.  fine tuneing wont do any thing thats all u guys kept tellin me to do  on my XR500 that went bad becuase it was old and it went bad on me after years   untill i upgraded to the r3 and it worked fine  was geting perfect scores on buffer bloat always when i checked it untill now  and it cant be my provider lines every thing is fine i also changed to a new modem to see if it was the problem but the modem is fine  only thing left was the router all im saying the router went bad on me has nothing to to do with fine tuneing i had perfect scores with tuneing on and off did not matter and my gameplay and videos where perfect untill now every thing went to crap im upset that the router went bad and u all just tell ppl is to fine tune stuff like if thats going to fix a router that went bad 

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That would absolutely affect your bufferbloat results, you had settings that worked for 1/10th of the speeds you have now so they won't work the same now, you'll need to fine other values that work for the new speeds you have. This could be a lower % value or higher. The router doesn't just go 'bad' and your own conclusion on the cause isn't a valid reason for an exchange, that's my job to determine what the cause of a problem is and to respond accordingly. If we allowed everyone to determine their router was faulty themselves, the amount of returns we'd receive because settings just needed to be changed would be crazy.

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On 1/18/2025 at 1:31 PM, Alves910 said:

need help with my router i think its gone bad im having issues with gameplay when the routers go bad since yesterday was not having this kind of problems with it before untilll now im paying 1 gig internet is there any way i could exchange the router or a refund bought the router on September 24 2024 speed1.png.3116d6e680c13447b3c9fb63c1e1294d.png


Run this test without the R3 settings page open if it was opened when you did the test… 


and set both Upload and download to 85% for Co congestion control.. 


I found out if you have the R3 settings page opened when doing the test, it’ll give you incorrect results… I just made a list regarding this.. 🤝

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