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Netduma R3 if I turn it off or restart it after turning it on it stops sending internet to my devices but it still has internet it just doesn't send it to my PC or Smartphone. Help!!

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Netduma R3 if I turn it off or restart it after turning it on it stops sending internet to my devices but it still has internet it just doesn't send it to my PC or Smartphone. Help!!

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  • jmhrads29 changed the title to Netduma R3 if I turn it off or restart it after turning it on it stops sending internet to my devices but it still has internet it just doesn't send it to my PC or Smartphone. Help!!
  • Administrators

Are you turning it off/restarting it by pulling out the power cable? If so I wouldn't suggest doing that, reboot from the interface or using the button, do devices connect properly after that? If so then if you really need to take the power out then reboot your modem first, wait 2 minutes then plug in the R3 and it should distribute internet properly.

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