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Duma R3 in Singapore


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So I got my r3 because I literally cannot play games with my US subs and members now that I have moved to Singapore. The ping is unbearable and even when I play solo, I'm at 200 ping.  I watched the Youtube setup video but My Nighthawk main router is on the first floor. we bought 2 additional routers for the 2nd and 3rd floor and my gaming room is on the top floor as well. Can I not connect the duma to one of the supplementary routers I bought (specifically the one on the 3rd floor) so I can hardwire it straight to my gaming pc?

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You can do that if you wish to though QoS will not be as effective. Also the one thing you can't control is your distance, as shown by this site, the average ping between the two (just taking Washington as an example though further in land would be even higher) is 200ms, you can't counteract that unfortunately.


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yea i suspected this....is there possible a scenario where we find a mid-point..and let's say each of us get to at least 90 ping? or am i cooked for warzone (which is fine...bc that game is toast...just addicted. maybe this is the push i need to leave it in the dust completely. 


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Unless they put a server in Hawaii then no not really unfortunately. I think they only way to very slightly counteract it would be to play on the Japanese servers, it'll still be heavily weighted towards you but it might be enough to make it more playable.

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Thanks Fraser....So because our space is so large, we will be getting some wiring done to have active ports on all levels of our unit here. As of now we have the - ASUS ROG GT-BE25000
GAMER 10Gbps as our main router. Sounds like for the Netduma to do what it needs we need to swap that out and make the netduma our main one. correct? Not sure how these too routers match up. looking up the specs now. 

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In terms of the Geo-Filter it can work with your existing setup, if you want QoS to be properly effective though then it would need to be at the top of the network so it can have everything connected to it. In terms of specs the R3 is no match for that one so I suspect you'd probably want to keep it at the top.

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