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NEW XR1000/XR1000v2 Beta Firmware: DumaOS 3.3.688 Access Request

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11 hours ago, dinego said:

Depois da atualização eu não consigo mais acessar a interface do router. Sempre dá o mesmo erro:

Já dei o reset de fabrica, reboot e nada adianta!

Clear your browser cache/cookies or try in an incognito window and see if it loads correctly then.

10 hours ago, XeCuTioNR said:

Requesting to try the new fw


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Why is the Beta offline is it a request of Netgear? Because they been telling me sinds I bought my XR1000 that the update is coming next month. Well we are 2years further almost and that one moth take long there in the states……. 😑

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On 1/8/2025 at 3:18 AM, Justinjc1 said:

Beta access please

19 hours ago, KD3D said:

Hello been waiting for this for years, can I join the beta?

2 hours ago, LostEnemy777 said:

please add me

Added, though the firmware has been removed temporarily

7 hours ago, KD3D said:

Why is the Beta offline is it a request of Netgear? Because they been telling me sinds I bought my XR1000 that the update is coming next month. Well we are 2years further almost and that one moth take long there in the states……. 😑

It's because there is a bug preventing you being able to downgrade

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12 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Added, though the firmware has been removed temporarily

It's because there is a bug preventing you being able to downgrade

@Netduma Fraser

I downgraded.

successfully, may i ask what bug you are talking about? 
I am just reading that the "beta"'s firmware is removed temporarily, so should i hold off on trying to Upgrade back to the beta?

That being said , can YOU please, tell them to find the "bug" or reason why ROCKET LEAGUE is no longer an option. (not 100%on-this) Why when ROCKET LEAGUE is/was selected as a game or when need to be prioritized that with-in doing so it would "trigger/activate" something else other than ROCKET LEAGUE. Most likely RL's security or way of keeping their servers hidden? And if im about to hear the generic Fraser answer. Thats fine i guess. But at least can you tell me if i should even expect to see RL added back .. i mean since its currently down , now would be a good time to add it . I just wish it was taken as seriously as a major game for NetDuma such as if this type of thing happened right now for CODBO6 , im almost positive, you guys would find a solution and i bet fast too. But im speculating and snow balling at this point . I just understand.

bug please im concerned about going to back to the beta since i just "downgraded successfully" i would like to know the bug that's preventing users to downgrade... should i need to know something?

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On 1/10/2025 at 4:34 AM, L2W Only Plays RL on XBOX said:

@Netduma Fraser

I downgraded.

successfully, may i ask what bug you are talking about? 
I am just reading that the "beta"'s firmware is removed temporarily, so should i hold off on trying to Upgrade back to the beta?

That being said , can YOU please, tell them to find the "bug" or reason why ROCKET LEAGUE is no longer an option. (not 100%on-this) Why when ROCKET LEAGUE is/was selected as a game or when need to be prioritized that with-in doing so it would "trigger/activate" something else other than ROCKET LEAGUE. Most likely RL's security or way of keeping their servers hidden? And if im about to hear the generic Fraser answer. Thats fine i guess. But at least can you tell me if i should even expect to see RL added back .. i mean since its currently down , now would be a good time to add it . I just wish it was taken as seriously as a major game for NetDuma such as if this type of thing happened right now for CODBO6 , im almost positive, you guys would find a solution and i bet fast too. But im speculating and snow balling at this point . I just understand.

bug please im concerned about going to back to the beta since i just "downgraded successfully" i would like to know the bug that's preventing users to downgrade... should i need to know something?

You must be the only one that has been able to downgrade normally, we were able to reproduce it easily but that was the bug that caused us to remove it for the moment. The team are looking into it and once they can resolve that they'll release it again. 

We're fixing some issues with our cloud system that makes updating things like that more difficult than it needs to be currently, that's why it's a bit slower in some cases to get cloud updates out for specific games. This isn't helped by routers running different versions of QoS. I'll bring it up to the colleague who'd take care of it so he can get that sorted when it's easier to do so.

On 1/10/2025 at 12:34 AM, Omar Elwi said:

Add me please

13 hours ago, Davidt828 said:

Can I have access please.

12 hours ago, Rik81 said:

Please add. Thanks

9 hours ago, Dark_Wizard_X said:

Please add.

Added, though the firmware has been removed temporarily but you'll be in the right place when a new one is available.

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1 hour ago, maxairfan said:

Can I please be added, fingers crossed the not showing port forwards is fixed

Added, though the firmware has been removed temporarily. That would be for NG so I wouldn't expect so.

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Does the beta address the Rapp issue? I still can't access Ping Heatmap and wanted to try that for Marvel Rivals. Ping Heatmap still doesn't load for me on the XR1000. Would like to try the beta if it does.

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7 hours ago, ct78 said:

Please add if possible. Thanks 

2 hours ago, tiago265 said:

Gostaria de esprimentar a beta. Obrigado 

2 hours ago, expensiverouternofirmware said:

Please add TY!

5 hours ago, Xero said:

Does the beta address the Rapp issue? I still can't access Ping Heatmap and wanted to try that for Marvel Rivals. Ping Heatmap still doesn't load for me on the XR1000. Would like to try the beta if it does.

Added you all, for now the firmware has been temporarily removed while we look into the downgrade issue.

Not specifically but there are general fixes so it should help.

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