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UFL Matchmaking issues. High Ping.


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Hi there, firstly I'm not sure if this issue is related to the r2, but I thought I would post in here on the off chance anyone has any trouble shooting options. 


Basically I can't find games on UFL and when I do the ping is crazy high (100-200ms). Strangely in the pre game lobby the ping meter is showing 30ms. Outside of this I simply can't find games regularly at all. Sometimes it's taking upwards of 5 minutes. 

I'm connected via ethernet and I'm using nextdns. Could nextdns be causing issues? I can't see how but thought I'd ask. 

Any suggestions would he really helpful. 


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First thing to check if it's never happened before and the only thing that has changed is the DNS then disable nextdns and then check. If it still doesn't work then disable the Geo-Filter, does it work then?

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Hey. Thanks for getting back to me. I tried with nextdns disabled and it did seem to help initially, but later I ran into similar issues. I was finding games more often but the ping was still high in game. It seems specific to UFL only, my other games are fine with nextdns enabled. Anything else I could try? I've looked around on UFL reddit, but I can't find many people reporting similar issues to me. 

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It may just simply be that it's a new game and at this time of year ISPs and game servers are under load anyway. What is the model of the modem/router the R3 is connected to and how have you set that to ensure all traffic flows to the R3? E.g. R3 in its DMZ, modem/bridge mode. How have you setup SmartBOOST/Congestion Control?

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Hey. Sorry for the delayed reply, been away for a few days.


Geofilter is set up on simple, with most of the UK and a bit of Europe (where most of the servers are). Congestion control is set to auto - 100% for both download and upload. Also set to priortise gaming and specifically the playstation. Still struggling to find games and sometimes when I do the ping will say 30ms in pregame lobby, but in the game its 100s. It's really strange. 

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