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So as the title says, when im using netduma on bo6, i cant find any games. The issue starts at the moment im launching the game(Xbox series X) with ''waiting for rely'' message every 10 seconds.

At some point i will reach the ''search for match'' stage and press it. There, immediately i will get a message ''unable to connect to host''.


Checked geo filter and it's like the photo every 30 seconds.

Then the map clears but it gets like that again every 30 seconds, as i said.

I tried to reset and set it up again with no luck

Any ideas?


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For whatever reason, your PA setting isn't catching any servers that it can allow so either the game servers are under load (likely) and so you need to raise the ping more to compensate or you have some traffic on your network causing your ping to rise, in which case adjusting Congestion Control should eliminate that and bring your ping down for it to catch something.

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