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Indecisive on purchasing Netduma R3


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I play on ps5, and I play games such as fortnite rocket league, apex legends, COD etc. The thing is I have terrible internet which is T-Mobile home internet. I reach up to 1,100 ping at some moments. I was wondering would the R3 be compatible with my internet?? I am located in Illinois USA. I was also wondering how the delivery would work since I am very rarely able to sign signature for a package. Thank you for your time

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Hello, welcome to the forum!

The R3 is compatible with any internet service as long as you're able to connect it to an existing source via ethernet (in this case, most likely your T-Mobile router). In terms of your high ping that really depends on why it is happening - if it's because the connection is inherently unstable (e.g. just one device is being used and you still get that high ping) then no it's unlikely we'd be able to help. If it's because you have slower speeds or a lot of devices being used at the same time then yes it can definitely help to alleviate that high ping issue.

In regards to delivery it would be via UPS, I've seen them not request a signature but ultimately I think that depends on each UPS depots policies. Once you have tracking though you will have the option to have it delivered to a neighbour, change delivery date etc so you may be able to have them deliver to a safe place. It's also possible they can deliver it somewhere you can then pickup from when it's more convenient for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One more thing, my ping sometimes has good days and it goes low for a good amount of time with multiple devices but it usually just spikes right back up. I think the problem its just the ISP is not a very reliable one, it might be due to the high amount of devices but would the R3 not be able to help at all? From what I see it has a lot of features with helping ping but I'm no expert so please let me know when u can thanks

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If the issue is on the ISP side then it won't be able to help, if it's on your side then it can help. It's hard to give you a recommendation as I can't be sure of the root cause of your issues. I'd suggest checking the return policy and if you're fine with that: https://netduma.com/terms (we do provide a US address for US returns) then give it a go.

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