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Help setup R3 does not detect internet isp


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 I just bought the R3 alive in Texas USA, I have 1 gb fiber optics, my isp router is nokia beacon 6, when I try to set up the R3 directly to the modem of my isp does not detect the internet, I checked on my isp router and I think it uses wan connection by dhcp. 

Edited by Nelsitin
English translation.
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  • Nelsitin changed the title to Help setup R3 does not detect internet isp

Hello thanks for responding, if I accessed from the browser to the interface and from the beginning it tells me no internet is detected, I also tried it from the phone app, however I connected it to the router of my isp company and if it worked and I could configure it, but the idea is to have the r3 directly to the ONT 

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  • Administrators

Okay so Box on wall > Adtran > R3 is that right? If so reboot the Adtran, wait 2 minutes then reboot the R3, wait 4 minutes then access and see if you get internet please. If not continue and finish the setup wizard then do it again

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29 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Bien, entonces, ¿Box en la pared > Adtran > R3 es correcto? Si es así, reinicie Adtran, espere 2 minutos y luego reinicie R3, espere 4 minutos y luego acceda y vea si tiene Internet, por favor. Si no, continúe y finalice el asistente de configuración; luego, hágalo nuevamente.


Somehow it was solved, after several reboots of the Adtran box and the R3 and attempts to configure from scratch. I assigned the R3 in MAC address cloning the MAC of the Nokia router that my ISP (fiberfirst) gives me. I think this solved it, but I'm not sure.

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