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R3 - EAFC25 - Smartboost not working as it should


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I have a Netduma R3. After hours of troubleshooting, I decided to post my issue here.
The SmartBoost function isn’t working as it should. Whether I activate it by Service or by Device, the result is the same: some packets aren’t being recognized as prioritized when they should be. I want to enable SmartBoost mainly for EAFC 25.

  1. When I activate the gaming service, some packets are prioritized, but not all.
  2. When I disable the gaming service and activate the "EAFC 25" activity, no activity is detected, and no packets are prioritized during several minutes of online gaming.

I’ve tested with versions 4.0.290 and 4.0.236, and the result is the same. I haven’t tested other games since I only play EAFC 25, and my purchase of the R3 was motivated by significant input lag in this game. FYI, I do "Sync Cloud" on GeoFilter and Ping Heatmap almost everyday...

My Netduma R3 configuration :

  • Firmware - v4.0.290 (Downgrade to v4.0.236 tested, but similar behavior)
  • Device for which I want to enable SmartBoost: PS5 - Static IP with DHCP reservation - Wired connection via Ethernet
  • WAN: Direct PPPoE without modem (Fiber ONT module connected to the WAN port of the Netduma)
  • DMZ: Enabled on the PS5
  • UPnP: Disabled
  • Geofilter: Active - Steady Ping disabled - Fast Search disabled - Strict Mode enabled - Ping Assist disabled

Am I the only one experiencing this issue? Does SmartBoost work for EAFC 25 for other users?

Capture d'écran 2024-10-13 214107.png

Capture d'écran 2024-10-13 164702.png

Capture d'écran 2024-10-13 164632.png

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So if you check while actively playing it's not prioritizing at all? For example, it shouldn't prioritize when you're just in a game lobby but should when you're actually playing. Could you take the PS out of the DMZ then check if it's prioritizing better please? Could you also resync the cloud then grab the log from the troubleshooting page please?

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Hello Fraser,

Thank you for your quick response. Yes, I have a tablet with the DumaOS app, which allows me to monitor the router’s behavior in real-time while I’m actively gaming. As I mentioned in my previous message, I check during long gaming sessions on EAFC, and I’m not staying in the lobby.

This behavior was the same before I placed the PS5 in the DMZ, but as requested, I’ve removed it from the DMZ and opened the following ports. But its the same, the traffic is not prioritinzing ... As you can see in the second screenshot, there’s "20 seconds" of prioritized "gaming" session on the router’s homepage, which corresponds to when I turned on my PS5 and then it connect to Sony PSN. But after that, there’s nothing, even though I played for about thirty minutes.

I’ve also attached the requested logs.

Capture d'écran 2024-10-14 005048.png

Capture d'écran 2024-10-14 011753.png


Capture d'écran 2024-10-14 012230.png

Capture d'écran 2024-10-14 012219.png

Capture d'écran 2024-10-14 012329.png

Capture d'écran 2024-10-14 012321.png


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Someone mentioned for a similar game that it wasn't appearing unless the game was using different ports, could you play and check Steady Ping > Stats over a few games and see if it uses different ports at all please?

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Indeed, I just started a game, and I see that it uses source port 3659 and an "ephemeral" port (21005) as the destination. I’ve also attached the PS5 traffic detected during this game by SmartBoost. The first screenshot shows the "Unknown Traffic," and the second is "Amazon Web Service."

But I’m confused. Does this mean that SmartBoost only relies on the port forwarding rules we open manually, or is it that port 3659 is miscategorized on Netduma’s side?

SteadyPing - PS5 - EAFC25.png

SmartBoost - PS5 - AmazonWebServices2.png

SmartBoost - PS5 - AmazonWebServices.png

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Ok, got it, thank you.

I really hope you’ll be able to fix it quickly. Packet prioritization is a very important feature in terms of networking and optimization. EAFC (ex-Fifa) is one of the most popular game in the world, I’m sure I’m not the only one who would benefit from this "fix."

Thanks again for your follow-up and responsiveness.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrators
19 minutes ago, Luiz Fernando said:

Tambem, estou com esse problema no jogo FC25, Alem do sitema DumaOS me direcionar para o pior servidor.

How is it directing you to the worst server exactly - using a relay server?

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/4/2024 at 4:33 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

I'll check in with him and get back to you when I know more

Hi Fraser,

Is there any chance that EAFC25 packets will be properly recognized and managed by the SmartBoost feature anytime soon? Perhaps with the next update?

Thanks for your feedback :)

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