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Duma OS Classified and Games Console Question

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If you have Duma OS Classified ticked and then enable Games Console as well, which one takes precedence say if the game you are prioritizing is call of duty. Call of duty uses port 3074 source and destination as everyone is aware of, now, if classified takes care of those ports from every address of your lan, say or or from the bridge, what exactly is left for games console to prioritize? I've spoken to a few people and they had much better results using both types of prioritization at the same time than using just one or the other. 

How could this possibly make a difference if classified takes care of the cod ports automatically (udp only assumedly) and then games console takes care of 1024-65535 udp. Wouldn't this mean 3074 get's handled by the classified rule already?

Which traffic prioritization rule takes precedence exactly?

Can this setup be replicated on the R3? And if so, how?

If neither rule takes precedence or goes first over one another, which rule exactly is on top of the list, the games console rule or the duma os classified rule?

Probably should of made a post there in the R3 thread but didn't want to over-post and the question is more centered here.

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The main difference is Classified Games is primarily DPI based and Games Console is just port based. As far as I know neither takes precedence over the other specifically, we don't generally recommend using both at the same time.

For the R3 you can prioritize by device and/or activity so you could replicate this in a way but you set the order for priority, they don't compete. If you have both enabled then they will actually compliment each other, serve as a backup for the other.

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