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Packet burst with low ping when playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


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I am constantly dealing with packet burst as seen in the clip below.

For the Geo-Filter I currently have the following settings enabled:

  • Disable GeoLatency
  • Disable PingAssist (set it to 0,0)
  • Enable Strict Mode
  • Disable Fast Search
  • Use Simple instead of Custom radius

    For Congestion Control in Ping Optimizer I set the congestion control to 70% Always on for both upload/download
    I have also port forwarded the following ports...

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I also noticed I get constant Extrapolation all the time as well. You can see this causes me to run into walls and stutter. I reset both my modem and PC with no luck. I only have these issues with Call of Duty and no other games. Is Activision punishing me for using this router somehow? 

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No there is no change in ping whatsoever.  The ping is relatively low and as I play the game more and more I start to get these packet bursts. When I play on console I don't have such issues at all whether on PS5 or Xbox series x.

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  1. There is no ping change on the Geo-Filter
  2. Ping in game doesn't change
  3. No packet burst symbols or any other network issue symbols appearing on the game
  4. Consoles not having the issue
  5. Other games not having the issue

When you put that all together, it's not a network issue otherwise you'd see a change in the ping or have some network symbols appearing. If it was a network issue it would also be present on other devices/games. All that is left then would be an issue with the PC and that's not something we're able to troubleshoot.

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There were absolutely symbols appearing in game that's the reason for me uploading the clip and reaching out to you guys. Not sure if you watched the video or not but it says packet burst and extrapolation in orange on the top left of screen next to the mini map.
Also, I am not trying to be smart but if it were a PC issue I would not troubleshoot the router or contact you guys.
As far as other games it also happens with COD Black Ops Cold War the short clip and screenshot I provided are from COD MW3 2023. Seems to only be an issue with the COD series and nothing else. The routers geo filter is working as I am connected to the NYC servers with low ping but somehow the router cannot stop these packet bursts or extrapolation errors. These issues seem to arise after a few games with an excellent connection then out of nowhere I start to get these packet bursts & extrapolation errors. Both are network specific errors not an issue with my PC. I think if it was my PC more games would have these issues not only the COD series.

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Yeah I see that, I was looking on the right hand side where they used to be. You'd be surprised at how many people contact us first thinking an issue is due to networking when they've not checked other areas. The only way I could think it would be networking considering it's not occurring on the consoles (presumably you're trying the same games on those?) is if you've set something up on the router differently to the consoles, is there anything you've done there?

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