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hey there!

if i buy netduma R3 and take it to my country (uzbekistan) does it work there ?
wanna buy it for gaming (cod mw3 or blackops 6) i use 100mbit internet how will it work and what should be done in order to be in use.

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As long as you are able to connect it to your existing modem/router via ethernet then yes it will work. Do keep in mind that the Geo-Filter can only force you onto available servers and there may not be many in your region so it won't necessarily lower your ping much in that sense. Everything else like QoS will still work just fine.

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Right now I’m playing with 100 to 125 (sometimes 150) ping if I’m in UK or some EU lobby sometime lowest I get is 80 if I’m lucky. I was thinking if I can get netduma r3 I could force to be in eu or uk lobby’s all the time and with lower ping then 80. 
if there’s any closer server, but as for the moment I don’t know where are the closest servers located.

I need some advice on that..

I will be really glad to get some advice on this product. Thanks in advance. 

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It can't reduce your ping to servers where the high ping is entirely because of your distance from that server - it can't beat the speed of light! However, yes it can help you to force those specific servers in the UK/EU that play the best for you.

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