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Server not blocked


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Right so you're taking the IP from the router and putting it into that site to show the location even though you can see the location on the Geo map?

Use the Simple radius instead of custom and see if it works better then. I suspect this is the issue where it's using relay servers to force you outside the radius, we're looking into it but can't guarantee it can be solved. Including more servers with simple may lessen this affect.

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14 hours ago, Elpaso80 said:

Ok but what is relay server if there is applicade strict mode? I not undestand so i need to include more server with the radius mode? Not olny swizerland?  

It'll connect to a server within your radius and then re-direct you to a server outside your radius and as the connection is made that way we can't block it because it appears within the radius.

I suspect if you include more servers that will happen less yes.

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1 hour ago, Elpaso80 said:

I didn't understand if I only put Switzerland within range, how can it connect abroad?

Imagine if you were getting a train that required you to change stations - the router sees that the 'station' you change at is within your radius and so allows you to connect. Once you get to that 'station' you join a connecting train that takes you outside the your radius - the connection has been allowed and the router can't see the final destination.

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9 hours ago, Elpaso80 said:

ok so I should widen the radius to have at least 2/3 servers but by doing this I could also connect internally in pear to pear?

Yes cover a couple of servers. If it wants to connect you outside your radius it will happen regardless BUT I think if it thinks it has more options that it can easily connect to it will happen less.

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7 hours ago, Elpaso80 said:

Same problem I put radius with 3 server but the software put me on server out the radius please check 

It's doing the relay server then, we'll look into it but it won't be a quick process and there may not be a way around it

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58 minutes ago, Elpaso80 said:

ok but if it's in the software, block it and it doesn't block it, something's wrong otherwise I see it as not very useful...

It's not the software fault, it's them relaying you through a server to another server that is the issue - we can't see that relay so it doesn't get blocked.

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