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Ping suddenly increased and stuck at 25MS? [XR1000]

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Any help would be greatly appreciated, I have a PS5 thats hard wired using a LAN Cable. Mostly games I play are FC24 and MW3 my ping has always been good usually around 13-18 in FC24 using geo filter, and call of duty my ping would be 6 MS. Ive been tracking it using Ping heatmap, noticed my ping increase and stuck at 25/22 for FC24. The same server I would have 14 Ping, and not just that but in call of duty my ping went up to 19 its like it doubled. My speeds are 1000 up and 1000 Down, ive reseted my router few times checked ethernet cables, and still not seeing a fix. Heres a graph of the change Ping that started the first week of July, any help would be appreciated! I have fiber. I've run test and my ping just wont go below 20 😕 

Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 3.22.53 PM.png

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I wouldn't use Ping Heatmap to monitor your real world ping to the game server as it won't always be the same server you're playing on - are you seeing this also reflected in the Geo-Filter ping? Has anything changed with your ISP/Setup/Settings when you noticed it?

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2 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

I wouldn't use Ping Heatmap to monitor your real world ping to the game server as it won't always be the same server you're playing on - are you seeing this also reflected in the Geo-Filter ping? Has anything changed with your ISP/Setup/Settings when you noticed it?

not that I recall it’s weird because my ping for isp just won’t go below 17. i’ve ran trace routes of my ip and ping shows below 10 ping tests. in game i’ve tried turning off geo filter off/qos and still won’t go below 25 stuck at 25. as silly as it sounds but I thought it had to do due maybe with weather due to it being extremely hot in my area above 100+f, but no idea why it changed, or how I can go about my isp. My internet ping for test was as good as 7 but not double’d to 17. Did call isp and they somehow said it’s not a big change of ping & I shouldn’t be concerned but it’s concerning for it to change outta no where. basically all July my ping has been above 24+.

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If you're doing a ping or a trace to your own IP address it should come back with about 1ms so the fact it's up to 10 is highly likely where your increased ping has come from. In which case that would be an ISP issue that you would need to contact them about as there is likely something amiss on your line.

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3 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

If you're doing a ping or a trace to your own IP address it should come back with about 1ms so the fact it's up to 10 is highly likely where your increased ping has come from. In which case that would be an ISP issue that you would need to contact them about as there is likely something amiss on your line.

Apologies my trace route of my IP shows an average of;  

55 packets transmitted, 55 packets received, 0.0% packet loss

round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 2.209/3.967/5.640/0.516 ms

When I trace route my FC24 Oregon server shows this Screenshot2024-07-13at5_13_57PM.thumb.png.aa306df0cff2e28199c0a71641cf3a24.png

My ISP is 'power net' #3 shows the ping pretty good. Could the game FC24 or either my ISP be tracing a different IP route than what I actually am suppose to be on? The last 2 is what my ping is averaging, just not sure why it won't go below 20, when I had a perfect ping of 15. Could this be something I need to talk to my ISP about? As far as I know Qwest is a whole different ISP Provider. 

Appreciate the Replies! @Netduma Fraser

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The ping to your IP even though it's better than I thought, fluctuating from 0.5 - 5.5ms isn't great and if that is happening consistently then that could be part of the reason. Not all game servers will complete the trace, did this one? If the ping was as consistent as you said and nothing has changed on your side then it is likely they've changed the route to the server, you could try and talk to them about it but it might be hard to get them to fix it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who exactly would I need to contact? I’ve made a similar forum not knowing someone else was having the same issue as me, It is frustrating because mine used to be around 15-17 but now it’s 40-50.

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On 7/24/2024 at 9:49 AM, 11nate said:

Who exactly would I need to contact? I’ve made a similar forum not knowing someone else was having the same issue as me, It is frustrating because mine used to be around 15-17 but now it’s 40-50.

I'll respond to the topic you made here: https://forum.netduma.com/topic/56378-ping-related-issues/

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