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Help creating custom traffic prioritization

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Hi. I would like to try using the traffic prioritization feature with Fightcade 2 & flycast on fightcade 2. Is there a guide available on how to setup custom traffic prioritization rules? Also is it possible to have these games added to the dumaOS classified games list in the future?


Thank you for your time. Have a great day.

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Look up the ports for the game and then you can use that in conjunction with the bottom of this guide to get them added: https://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000077073-dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-qos

Unless it's a highly requested game from the community it is unlikely to be tested to be honest, I've not heard of the games or have had anyone request them before but I will add them to the list if the team do have some extra time in future to test the games.

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Is there an easy/accurate way to test what ports are used by the game? I tried using traffic prioritization like that before but It didn't seem to work at all for flycast. no red light. Flycast says it uses 19713 & fightcade uses 6000-6009. Fightcade seemed to work but not 100% of the time. 


Fightcade is really popular with fighting game players all around the world. P2P arcade with ggpo netcode. Its basically the original ggpo but expanded. Has a bunch of consoles added too. Worth checking out if you like retro stuff for sure haha

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Still can't get the rule for port 19713 to work. I ran netstat -abno and it looks like flycast.exe doesn't even use the port it says.  Tried setting qos for that port listed below as well and it didn't work either.

  UDP          *:*                                    2520

Any advice? 


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6 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

At this point I think it's just worth adding your PC with the Games Console service, it'll prioritize the game regardless of the port it is using and you won't need to figure it out either

I didn't realize using games console was an option for my pc. I will try that out! Thank you.

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