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can help to configurate stady ping and vpn?


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hi, when i use the stady ping in warzone, my ping going up. 
example, i play in 30ms of ping but when i use the stady ping and connect to server in the netduma options, my ping goes to 45ms. then my connection go bad, and i have unfortonate trips when im playing and more lag.

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and when i configure the hybrid vpn have another problems

example, im starting search games for 20ms ping, and when enable the vpn, im starting search games for 90ms


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The purpose of Steady Ping is to raise your ping to ensure better stability/sync with the server, disable it if you would rather that didn't happen. 

Using a VPN will raise your ping, where are you from and where is the VPN server you're connecting to?

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If the ping isn't moving with Steady Ping on then it is stable but that ping isn't really enough to cause you lag but if it works better for you off then leave it off for the moment - some people feel they have a better experience with it on, others off.

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