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Netduma R3 Geofilter


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My geofilter is not working. I tried all the steps you said. I can also draw the area manually as you see in the additional photo. Even if I draw a circle, it gives it to the server outside the area I selected. This is a very serious problem and there is no solution. The biggest feature that distinguishes you from other modems is not working. I kindly request you to fix it and follow up.






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It would be easier to use a web browser on a PC for this but:

  • Disable GeoLatency
  • Disable PingAssist (set it to 0,0)
  • Enable Strict Mode
  • Disable Fast Search
  • Use Simple instead of Custom radius

Then restart game or wait 10 minutes (in the lobby in the game). If that doesn't work, reboot PC/Console and it should work then.

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15 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Bunun için PC'de bir web tarayıcısı kullanmak daha kolay olurdu ancak:

  • GeoLatency'yi devre dışı bırak
  • PingAssist'i devre dışı bırakın (0,0'a ayarlayın)
  • Katı Modu Etkinleştir
  • Hızlı Aramayı Devre Dışı Bırak
  • Özel yarıçap yerine Basit'i kullanın

Daha sonra oyunu yeniden başlatın veya 10 dakika bekleyin (oyunun lobisinde). Bu işe yaramazsa, PC'yi/Konsolu yeniden başlatın; o zaman çalışması gerekir.

inleri kameranızla çevirin
I tried them all, it doesn't work. 
I followed what you said and reset the modem. I turned the PC off and on. There is no solution. The fact that so many people have these mistakes is obviously the result of a mistake. Shouldn't you find the solution yourself?
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25 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Bu özellikle bir donanım yazılımı sorunu değil, sorunu gideriyoruz; hangi donanım yazılımı sürümünü kullanıyorsunuz?



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On 6/21/2024 at 7:18 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

Did you factory reset after upgrading? If not it would be a good idea to do so as it's a big jump from the previous version

Metinleri kameranızla çevirin
I did everything. There is no solution. We bought the modem because it selected the server. This was its biggest feature. It has not been working for the last week. Will you provide a solution for this?


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It looks like the server there within your radius is the host. I would say it's probably not best to add every single server to the blocked list as you may block one required for online play which could contribute to your issue

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10 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

It looks like the server there within your radius is the host. I would say it's probably not best to add every single server to the blocked list as you may block one required for online play which could contribute to your issue

The problem here is not blocking. I cannot access the server areas whose limits I have set within the game (by applying the rules you wrote in the forum). I live in Turkey and play efootball on PS5. He always sends me to Milan, which has an Italian server. I want to play in Germany or Poland. I bought your modem 2 months ago. There was no problem then. This problem has been around for the last week. Everyone has this problem. But your company does not have a solution for this. We bought this modem because the server was choosing it, so were we deceived?
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Just now, buraq said:
The problem here is not blocking. I cannot access the server areas whose limits I have set within the game (by applying the rules you wrote in the forum). I live in Turkey and play efootball on PS5. He always sends me to Milan, which has an Italian server. I want to play in Germany or Poland. I bought your modem 2 months ago. There was no problem then. This problem has been around for the last week. Everyone has this problem. But your company does not have a solution for this. We bought this modem because the server was choosing it, so were we deceived?



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Not everyone has this problem, it's a support forum, you'll only see issues here and even those posting aren't all experiencing this.

Try this:

  1. Quit the application/game/client completely
  2. Remove device from the Geo-Filter
  3. Resync from the Geo-Filter Map menu
  4. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter
  5. Set up the Geo-Filter how you like
  6. Wait 2 minutes
  7. Boot up application/game/client

Then see if it works.

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Herkes bu sorunu yaşamıyor, burası bir destek forumu, sorunları yalnızca burada göreceksiniz ve hatta mesaj gönderenlerin hepsi bu durumu yaşamıyor.

Bunu dene:

  1. Uygulamadan/oyundan/istemciden tamamen çıkın
  2. Cihazı Coğrafi Filtreden kaldır
  3. Coğrafi Filtre Haritası menüsünden yeniden eşitleme
  4. Cihazı Coğrafi Filtreye yeniden ekleyin
  5. Coğrafi Filtreyi istediğiniz gibi ayarlayın
  6. 2 dakika bekle
  7. Uygulamayı/oyunu/istemciyi başlatın

Sonra işe yarayıp yaramadığına bakın.

it does not work
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9 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Cihazınız R3 DMZ'de mi yoksa VPN'yi etkinleştirdiniz mi? Bağlantı noktası yönlendirme kuralları, bunun için İnternet Kuralı vb.

These are the settings I made. Please support. Thank you.







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3 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Remove it from the DMZ please and see if you get the same issue

malesef ne yaparsam yapayım coğrafi filtre çalışmıyor. Son güncelleme geldiğinde çalışıyordu. Son bir haftadır çalışmıyor.Bununla ilgili bir güncelleme veya düzeltme çalışması var mı?



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3 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

You'll need to use the Simple mode and then try again please

Metinleri kameranızla çevirin
In simple mode, the appropriate server in the circle lights up white. But the system goes back and connects to the Italy Milan server. All settings are as you said. Why is there no solution?
It was restarted. The cache was cleared. It was reinstalled. The game was closed. All the rules were followed as you said. We are very sorry, I would like a permanent solution. Good night.


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I appreciate you would like an immediate solution but unfortunately when it comes to complex tech that is not always possible, if I knew the precise cause then we wouldn't need to go back and forth. This is what troubleshooting is, trying different things and seeing if they work until we can come to a solution.

Have you added anything to the allow list on the Geo-Filter? Potentially it could be PPPoE, if you have the ISP modem/router handle it instead does it then work?

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4 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Acil bir çözüm istediğinizi takdir ediyorum, ancak ne yazık ki her zaman mümkün olmayan karmaşık teknoloji söz konusu olduğunda, kesin nedeni bilseydim ileri geri gitmemize gerek kalmazdı. Sorun giderme budur, farklı şeyler denemek ve bir çözüme ulaşana kadar bunların işe yarayıp yaramadığını görmek.

Coğrafi Filtredeki izin verilenler listesine herhangi bir şey eklediniz mi? Potansiyel olarak PPPoE olabilir, eğer ISP modem/yönlendiriciniz varsa bunun yerine çalışır mı?

Hello ,
I didn't quite understand what you said last. My connection is wired and PppoE.
Did you mean this? Make another modem the main modem. Make the Netduma R3 modem a splitter router Dhcp. Did you mean?
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22 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Evet kesinlikle

Unfortunately, it didn't happen again. There is nothing left that I haven't tried. After 10 days, I can summarize this; By using the Netduma R3 Geography Filter, you can never connect to the server you want. I live in Turkey. It always sends me to the Italian server under every rule. I bought this device for gaming purposes, the bufferbloat test was good, it lowered the ping, and I wanted to play on the server I wanted. But the server never works. Everyone does this too. is there any problem? Will any corrective action be taken regarding this?
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