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How do i use r3 as my 2nd router but as my main router


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Already have modem+router (Which takes optical fiber input) from ISP, Now I want to connect this modem+router to my new R3(Lan/Ethernet Cable) and then use R3 as my Main home router.

I want Main home router features 

- All room ethernet should come from R3
- Use it as my main Wifi

When i tried to connect all room's ethernet from R3(Yellow lan ports, blue lan port is connected with modem+router) Only one of the yellow ports was showing white light other were not working 
I checked all of them one by one so ports are fine

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What do you mean by all room ethernet, multiple devices in the same room that are connected via ethernet?

The lights won't always appear white if there is no traffic - do the devices actually work via ethernet?

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So currently there are 3 rooms and one lobby.

From lobby (where modem+router is present) 3 ethernet wires are spawned to 3 rooms board (Each room using that ethernet port to consume the internet).

One of the room's port is connected to another router (for that rooms wifi needs), in this room the R3 to this room ethernet always works.

Another room's port is connected to a PC (this is not working when it is connected via R3)



Modem+router ------> Room A
             ------> Room B
             ------> Room C

And this is working.


Wanted / Required:

Modem+router -----> R3 ------> Room A (With another router)
                       ------> Room B (with PC)
                       ------> Room C

Room A is working, but Room B is not.


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No, PC is on dynamic IP which should be the default settings and yes ethernet cables are fine
As of now as a Temporary solution instead of PC I have connect the room's ethernet cable to R3 

Modem+router ------> Room A(another router)
             ------> Room B(R3 then the PC is connected through the R3's yellow port)
             ------> Room C

And this is also working.
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Room A's router is being used as a WiFi extender since the network from the lobby does not reach the rooms properly. I would prefer if I could make R3 my main home router and just connect the router via my homes Ethernet hub to all the rooms.

The main problem that I am facing is that the router only recognizes one of the Ethernet cables, Any Room 's cable that i connect first, but it does not recognize multiple cables that i connect.

Modem+router -----> R3 ------> Room A(Another Router)
                       ------> Room B(PC) 
                       ------> Room C(another PC)

Room A is working, but Room B and C are not.

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With current temp solution:

Modem+router ------> Room A(another router)
             ------> Room B(R3 then the PC is connected through the R3's yellow port)
             ------> Room C




With required solution:

Modem+router -----> R3 ------> Room A(R6)
                       ------> Room B(PC) 
                       ------> Room C

With DMZ off on ONT

Nothing works from R3, even R3 wifi is not working and both Room A and Room B does not have any connection with no lights on R3.


With DMZ on on ONT

Room A (R6 works)

But Room B pc, no connection or detection, even R3 os shows that only 1 lan is connected. 




Please find below screenshots with DMZ on on ONT:




When only Room B (PC) lan is connected:



WhatsApp Image 2024-04-23 at 20.24.20 (1).jpeg

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Its a very long ethernet cable.

Only Room A device was showing as connected in duma os.

As mentioned above:



Room A (R6 works)

But Room B pc, no connection or detection, even R3 os shows that only 1 lan is connected. 



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the way you are explaining it if you have the the fiber modem / gateway in one room and from there it goes to 3 different rooms. 2 of the other rooms have the R3 and a Netgear router. If you want the R3 to be your main router, then why are you also using a Netgear router. You have no need for it. What you need is whichever room the R3 is in having cables run from it to the other 2 rooms. No matter what you do, the fiber modem /gateway is always going to be your primary router unless it allows you to completely turn off DHCP like on cable modems. If that is possible, then as you dont have to put the R3 under DMZ in your fiber gateway. But if cant turn DHCP off on the fiber gateway, then you have to do what Fraser said about putting the R3 in DMZ on he fiber gateway. I also see you have DHCP enabled on the Netgear router. you dont need it on if that device is being used as a wifi extender because you want the R3 to provide the DHCP.

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@Alias 1aB As wires are inside the wall, only configuration is below:

Modem+router -----> R3 ------> Room A (With another router)
                       ------> Room B (with PC)
                       ------> Room C

I have tested with or without the R6 (Room A router) and with DMZ on and off both (on modem_router).

With DMZ on internet works on R3 via wifi (Even Room A router works) but Room B no connection is made.

@Alias 1aBPlease check above images, please suggest what can be done, i am okay with removing DHCP or even whole R6 router.


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ok, so exactly how many devices do you actually have, gateway, routers, switches? where each device is at? and from where your main gateway is located, do you have 3 individual cables that go to rooms A, B, and C? 2ndly do you have any cables that go from room A to B, B to C, or A to C? Have you actually checked if each cable / ethernet jack is good that go from where gateway is located at to each room? if your cable is bad or you wall jack isnt crimped properly, that could be part of the problem on why you do see a connection to room B. If you dont have a cable going from room A to B, you are not going to be able to use the R3 as the main router on your network. The only way for you then is to put the R3 next to your gateway fiber modem. and then connect all 3 rooms to the R3's ports. You can then use your existing other routers as access points in each of the other rooms if the Wi-Fi range of the R3 does not reach. The Wi-Fi range on the R3 is not that great and most likely your fiber gateway probably has better wireless range but if you need the gaming features of the R3, you are going to have to use your other routers as access points. If you do this, you can always turn the Wi-Fi radios on the R3 completely off. Make sure DHCP is turned off on every access point and R3 will control all the routing for you, and you will be able to use all its features for all your wired and wireless devices in rooms A, B, and C. Sorry it took me a few days to respond as I rarely have time to log into these forums.

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