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XR1000 VPN Connection

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Hi, I've been trying to use a VPN with my XR1000 and my modem is a TP-LINK Archer VR2100. I've set up my VPN and i think put all the config files in the correct place but, I remember being told last time I tried this, that the VPN would stop me from using the routers UI. This is the case for the VR2100 but not for the XR1000. I don't know if this is  because I have placed the XR1000 in DMZ or not. I did also read on someone elses post that they should try disabling QoS, so I've done that too. Is there anything else I should do or do we think that it is in fact working becasue it's disabled my VR2100 UI?



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Could you clarify, are you using the VPN service from the XR1000 or are you just using a standard VPN on your PC and it's connected to the XR? You can check if the VPN is working by checking your public IP address

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So i'm using NordVPN on my PC but would like to use it on my router so that everything connected to it will be using the VPN as well, namely my XBOX. My main reason for doing this is because i've been trying for several years now to find out how gamers get such an open and stable connection, that provides them with consistent good gameplay. I've tried various different things but to no avail, so in my head i'm only left with two other options that i know of, those being either a VPN to free up all ports and hopefully dodge ISP throttling or use a dedicated ip but i feel that one might be a stretch. At the same time i'm sure connecting to the same ip each time can only help stabilise my connect, even if it's just a bit.

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Ah ok, I have seen that mentioned in a few videos i've watched on this topic but it sounded like more of a built in service, rather than a means of installing your chosen vpn. Good to know i've been on the right track for that at some point though, thank you. My usual ping sits between 17 and 20ms on average with some days sitting at around 37ms (not sure why), it is largely 17ms though. I'm using CloudFlare DNS which was the slightly quicker option between that and google, showing 7ms ping rather than googles 8ms, when put into command prompt. I've also switched ISP's recently, after asking you a similar question a while ago, you suggested my old ISP might be using CG NAT and you were correct about that.

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Yes it does have a VPN service integrated but it's used for accessing your home network while away from the network. I believe HVPN will be in the upcoming firmware. If you're not changing anything and the ping is going up like that I suspect that it may be peak time congestion/congestion in your area. If you play during off peak times do you get the lower ping more consistently? Good to hear I was right about the CG-NAT!

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