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Advice/Education for R3 in DMZ


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Hello and good whatever time of day it is for you!

I would like input and/or advice pertaining to a setup that I am trying, and would like to know if there are any concerns/issues with what I've done. 

In short, the R3 (for me) has been great but the wifi is a bit on the anemic side, and we were also running into some funny network speed "throttling" (for lack of a better word), however it has been fantastic for our gaming needs, so...

I have an ASUS router which is receiving all traffic from our isp, there is no modem/router between the ASUS and ISP. Well, there is, but it's Starlink in bypass mode, so it's really just a power supply for Dishy.

I have placed the R3 in the dmz of aforementioned router (ASUS), and given it (R3) a static route and static ip

Our 3 gaming PC's are connected directly to the R3

R3 wifi is disabled

At prima facia, everything is working as it should, but I am not knowledgeable enough to know if I am causing some other issue due to my ignorance in this arena. Speeds look good, I'm connecting to gaming servers and everything else on the R3 seems like it's operating as it should. 

Thank you, in advance for any and all help!

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@Netduma Fraser

Okay, I'll try to convey this as best I can. In the ASUS support section, what it recommended when placing a router behind the ASUS was giving the second router (R3) a static route under its LAN settings. 

So my Network host is the WAN IP of the R3, Subnet mask is the quintessential 255.255. etc. with the Gateway as also being the WAN IP of the R3, and a metric of 1. 

Again, this is unequivocally NOT my wheelhouse, so I'm hoping that I've answered your question in a way that you can let me know if I've performed an unnecessary step or something.

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3 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Okay gotcha, seems fine!

Great, Fraser thank you again, and thank you for all that you do. I know it can be a little rough at times, but I certainly appreciate your effort and assistance. 

We've been playing most of the afternoon over here, and everything seems like it's playing as it should!

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