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Geofilter and ping


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Hi, on the heatmap my closest server has 4 ms Ping. But if i have lucky to Connect it my ping in Game is 40 + ms, do you know why? And wy I can not setup geofilter to Connect only to this server all time? Most of all i played on another servers but i have setup to this one. 

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35 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

But what does the Geo-Filter ping say for that server, is it 45ms as it is in the game?

And can you tell me why the Game Connect me to servers in Amsterdam, London, german, Italy if i have that setup and should Connect in to server in Poland?

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Could you provide the ID of the server when you connect to it please?

Use the Simple mode to filter instead of the custom drawing filter and it should more consistently get you games within your radius.

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6 hours ago, Michu89 said:

@Netduma Fraser can you provide IP adres for that server?

6 hours ago, ChrisG82 said:

@Netduma Fraser Please integrate it like in DumaOS3 that the IP of the Server with the game is connected to will shown! That will be very helpful for troubleshooting!

In most cases you'll be unable to ping/trace the actual IP so it won't be very useful

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