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bandwidth limiter


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Will you guys be adding bandwidth limiter in the future? just wondering idk to much about qos and all I just read and do what people suggest on these forums for bufferbloat qos and all other type of settings.

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Restricting bandwidth per device wouldn't necessarily resolve bufferbloat, Congestion Control on the whole will do that. You can currently reserve bandwidth for devices but I don't know if there will be a limiter coming.

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ok gotcha just wondering cause i have 500 down 20 up gaming doesnt take much on console, and i use my laptop hard wired to do bufferbloat test but once i take my laptop off ethernet and do it with wifi ( i split bands currently use 5ghz when on wifi when testing) i get a bad grade and if i were to lower my speeds even lower just to get an a+ on wifi side just transfers over to all my other devices. Idk if that makes sense or not.

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