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How to..


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Hey I've bought a r3, I run ax88u, and wanted to ask you guys for tips on running the r3 off of my ax88u, only connection the r3 will be being used for is the gaming pc, wi-fi will be off etc.

So I connect via ppope and have ipv6 native on my ax88u. I've read it can be as simple as running a ethernet from the ax88u to the wan of the r3? Please correct me if i'm wrong.


Always wanted to try net duma, heard some good things, but all the beta testing going on isn't breathing confidence in me, but I'm sure it will get straightend out eventually.


Mainly play cod, currently getting a+ on bufferbloat with 1gb down 100up on ax88u, cracking router I must say, just those features of dumaos can't be ignored, curiosity killed the cat as they say..

Also if you have any tips for setup for cod would appreciate hearing them, not running anything bar geo fence for now though untill nee firmware comes out fixing other things, currently get 6ms in cod if it connects to a good server but lag comp absolutely ruins me so the feature which raises ping sounds good.



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The wired setup you mentioned is exactly how you would do it. While you have everything else using the AX really the main feature to use is the Geo-Filter as SmartBOOST/Congestion Control wouldn't be very effective at controlling the network.

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Appreciate the reply.


Yeah geo fence is a big part of me purchasing this, and as you say IF I do want to do those things I can from the other router.


Could the ping stabilisation though once working 100%, work in the configuration the way I'd have it?



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