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Stast Steady Ping


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Ciao ragazzi , 

come sempre vi devo fare i miei complimenti per l r3 che risulta sempre più stabile ad ogni upgrade.

la mia domanda è la seguente :

Delle volte quando gioco ad Efotball nell stast dello steady ping mi viene queste diciture :

Allowed by ping assist.


Ma io , il ping assist , lo tengo a zero in modalità OFF



Tra l 'altro in queste partite non riesce nemmeno a stabilizzare il ping con lo steady , cosa che mi fa pensare che non siano sul server ma direttamente in p2p 

con l' altro player.

Come posso fare per non farlo riaccadere ?

Grazie mille

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@fae7787le partite amico sono sempre in p2p su efootball,in server divisioni cop e eventi ,controlla la mappa termica dei server ,se hai impostato i geofiltri saranno tutti sul server,ad eccezione di avvenimenti normali,che magari la partita viene rilevata fuori dal radar oppure poligono di gioco!se hai una latenza sotto 15ms di gioco puoi disattivare pure stady ping!gioco ad efootball gioco davvero bene @Netduma Fraser 

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19 minutes ago, Damiano Calafiore said:

@fae7787le partite amico sono sempre in p2p su efootball,in server divisioni cop e eventi ,controlla la mappa termica dei server ,se hai impostato i geofiltri saranno tutti sul server,ad eccezione di avvenimenti normali,che magari la partita viene rilevata fuori dal radar oppure poligono di gioco!se hai una latenza sotto 15ms di gioco puoi disattivare pure stady ping!gioco ad efootball gioco davvero bene @Netduma Fraser 

ciao m mi torna tutto , ma delle volte in amico mi porta direttamente su server


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2 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

So the game has a kind of server/P2P hybrid model?

I think that yes....But , maybe, the right name is "poopy model" :)

So , i try to find a method to search only game on server


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4 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Right okay that's interesting, I don't think you would be able to force it to use servers over peers 

write in italian:

il gioco ha dei server di google e delle altre sezioni che punta a mandarti in peer to peer.
Delle volte , anche nelle sezioni in peer to peer , mi ha mandato su dei server .

Pensi che con l r3 si possa trovare un modo o mi devo adattare alla fortuna?


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More luck but everytime you know you're playing on a server you add it to your allow list and keep doing that until you've got a good number then put your location in the ocean. In theory it should then only get you a game from the servers you've allowed.

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

More luck but everytime you know you're playing on a server you add it to your allow list and keep doing that until you've got a good number then put your location in the ocean. In theory it should then only get you a game from the servers you've allowed.

Interessante , ma devo modificare anche le info su ping assist  o vanno bene quelle che ho allegato?


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3 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

All your settings are fine

ho fatto dei test : sembra funzionare alla grande.

l unica cosa che non si aggancia è lo steady ping.
ma sinceramente va bene cosi.

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14 minutes ago, fae7787 said:

ho fatto dei test : sembra funzionare alla grande.

l unica cosa che non si aggancia è lo steady ping.
ma sinceramente va bene cosi.

That's great to hear. We'll be working to make that show up more reliably.

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

That's great to hear. We'll be working to make that show up more reliably.

Ok , devo riportare il problema da qualche parte o va bene cosi?


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Ultima nota , quando vado con la modalità Custom lo steady ping si aggancia  correttamente , mentre quando vado con la posizione sull oceano per cercare il server lo Sp non funziona.

Grazie ancora per le dritte.

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I notice when I'm playing pubG I also have steady ping enabled but my in game latency jumps all over the place. I thought we were just supposed to have a higher consistent ping rather than jumping around. Not trying to be a jerk about it or anything, it's just a game after all but I thought you'd like to know. I'm on .41 fw, hard reset. I do have Geo latency on, ping assist on at 40, smart boost on with gaming as #1 priority. I have an fttc connection 1000/40 with my Internet speed manually set to 800/30 and cc set to 95/90 always on. I get +0 on waveform (A+) so I know that's working although speed test bypass always comes back on after restart (and yes I know you're aware it's ok). I have ip6 off as well as STP, telemetry, remote access and adblock. Seems to be decently snappy as far as the os and network usage is concerned and I'm not noticing a lot of cpu spikes. All in all I think the team is on the right track and this community is awesome providing logs and so much feedback. Cheers to us all!!

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11 hours ago, fae7787 said:

Last note, when I go to Custom mode the steady ping hooks up correctly, while when I go to the ocean position to search for the server the Sp doesn't work.

Thanks again for the tips.

Are you using purely Ping Assist then when that happens?

10 hours ago, Proud R3 Owner said:

I notice when I'm playing pubG I also have steady ping enabled but my in game latency jumps all over the place. I thought we were just supposed to have a higher consistent ping rather than jumping around. Not trying to be a jerk about it or anything, it's just a game after all but I thought you'd like to know. I'm on .41 fw, hard reset. I do have Geo latency on, ping assist on at 40, smart boost on with gaming as #1 priority. I have an fttc connection 1000/40 with my Internet speed manually set to 800/30 and cc set to 95/90 always on. I get +0 on waveform (A+) so I know that's working although speed test bypass always comes back on after restart (and yes I know you're aware it's ok). I have ip6 off as well as STP, telemetry, remote access and adblock. Seems to be decently snappy as far as the os and network usage is concerned and I'm not noticing a lot of cpu spikes. All in all I think the team is on the right track and this community is awesome providing logs and so much feedback. Cheers to us all!!

What is your average ping without steady ping enabled and what does it fluctuate by? You may need to use expert for Steady Ping to set it higher to account for the fluctuations

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24 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Are you using purely Ping Assist then when that happens?

Quando uso la posizione sull oceano lascio il ping assist a 0.

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

What is your average ping without steady ping enabled and what does it fluctuate by? You may need to use expert for Steady Ping to set it higher to account for the fluctuations

Average is say would be about 60ms-80ms. Sometimes I can only connect to a server in Oregon and it's more like 80ms-90ms. When I'm on let's say a server in California where I should be getting about 60ms-80ms it will literally fluctuate from 75-90's - sometimes up in the 100s. Ok so I'm expert mode for steady ping, am I setting this as the ceiling or is this the buffer amount?

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3 hours ago, fae7787 said:

Quando uso la posizione sull oceano lascio il ping assist a 0.

You shouldn't be able to get games like that then, are you actually getting games that way?

1 hour ago, Proud R3 Owner said:

Average is say would be about 60ms-80ms. Sometimes I can only connect to a server in Oregon and it's more like 80ms-90ms. When I'm on let's say a server in California where I should be getting about 60ms-80ms it will literally fluctuate from 75-90's - sometimes up in the 100s. Ok so I'm expert mode for steady ping, am I setting this as the ceiling or is this the buffer amount?

Okay that'll be why then, the basic steady ping adds up to 10ms ping so if yours is fluctuating 15-20 you should use expert. The maximum that can be set is 80ms - this is the target ping so the ping you want to have, not the buffer amount. So with your average 60-80ms it should then work better with it set to 80. If you do get above 80 like you mentioned sometimes happens then it won't be able to prevent those fluctuations/absorb it.

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40 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

You shouldn't be able to get games like that then, are you actually getting games that way?

Ho fatto molti test da quando me l hai detto e col cerchietto nell oceano con ping assist a 0 riesco ad ottenere delle partite sui server che ho aggiunto per efotball.

Adesso volevo provare a merre un intervallo di 0-13 ms

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