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How does Geo Filtering works while in a party?


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Since I'm new to this Geo Filtering world I would like to ask a few questions I have regarding Call of Duty game parties and Geo Filtering. With Geo Filtering on:

  1. I'm connecting to a server, since COD (multiplayer) uses dedicated servers, and not peer connections, correct? Or does COD Multiplayer also use P2P?
  2. will all players in my party connect to the same server I do? What about the remaining people in the lobby?
  3. Can I join anyone's party and geo filtering will still work for me? And for the others?
  4. Do I need to be the party leader for it to work?

Thank you.

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To answer your questions:

  1. Primarily dedicated servers
  2. Yes as long as you are the party leader. As in if you finish a game and wait for it to queue up? It can't influence other people so they could stay or go
  3. You have to be the party leader to Geo-Filter otherwise you could be kicked
  4. Yes
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4 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

To answer your questions:

  1. Primarily dedicated servers
  2. Yes as long as you are the party leader. As in if you finish a game and wait for it to queue up? It can't influence other people so they could stay or go
  3. You have to be the party leader to Geo-Filter otherwise you could be kicked
  4. Yes

Thank you

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