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Questions about Geo-Filter


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I have a few Netduma R3 Questions concerning the Geo-Filter, I’m new to this stuff so bear with me please.


I play MW3 WZ. I’m on PS5



 1. I have trouble joining party chat or discord I have to open my ping up to the whole map to be able to join discord and then shrink it back. Is this a common problem? 

2. Every time I log on do I need to resync the cloud before I boot up the game and get ready to play?

3. When I go to custom mode does the area I map out have to match the same area in simple mode?

4. If I adjust the ping to make my circle bigger or smaller do I need to resync the cloud to save it?

5. Can you ping where u want to play every time? Or u can only allow and disallow servers? 

6. When it’s searching for a game then it says connecting and then spits me out and starts over again is that normal?


I’m just trying to find ways to save time when I first hop on I notice it takes like 25-30 mins to get set up and start loading into games.



I’m on firm .21, Overall once u get the geo filter working it works very well. 

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To answer your questions:

  1. For the previous versions of DumaOS you would maybe need to add the servers to your allow list. However, if you're using Geo-Latency on the Geo-Filter then you shouldn't need to do that at all - if you're not then you'd need to add them manually if we haven't covered them.
  2. No you don't
  3. No they don't need to match
  4. No you don't
  5. Could you clarify? You make an area and within that area games will be allowed, everything outside will be blocked
  6. It is if the server you were about to connect to was outside your radius

I'd find some settings that work well for you and just have them permanently set so you can just jump on and play right away

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