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XR500 Cannot Hard Reset


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So with standard firmware I cannot use geofilter, which is the only reason I would ever use a netduma router. 

So I upgrade to the beta and now geofilter works. But if the router is turned off with the hybrid vpn active, you cannot access the hybrid vpn. You need to reset your router.

So I 30-30-30 reset my router 5 times and it never works. 

Welcome to the netduma world. Worst product I've ever experienced. Based on hourly pay to make this thing work, I should get $3000 simply dealing with this POS over the last two years. The up front cost is nothing compared to the time it takes because you have to constantly fix poopy with this router.

The fact that this is an actual product of Netgear and not some github download blows my mind. 

I've never had trouble hard resetting a router, but that's what you get with netduma. Do you guys have any oversight? It gets worse with time. You're idiots.

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You shouldn't do a 30/30/30 reset, it's primarily for older routers. Are you trying to factory reset to prevent the reboot with VPN enabled issue or just get access again after having the VPN issue? A normal factory reset, holding for 30 seconds, releasing then waiting 4 minutes should work or doing a reset from the interface. 


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