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Die super quick


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Since having the r3 the way I die is seriously fast like to the point were I actually feel like iv been shot with a 1 shot but then I'll see iv been killed with an Assault rifle. Its like all the bullets come at once and it happens on every single game I play anyone know why this could be happening please.

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The lag comp in Cod is super frustrating. Try searching for a server where your ping is around 60-70ms. Sounds weird but when I play with 60+ ms ping I actually have a chance to win a gunfight in WZ.

MW3 was also quite enjoyable with that ping during the free week they had but those playlists probably had toned down sbmm. 😂

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  • Administrators
5 hours ago, Psyco-Mengo said:

I see a difference, but it still not fully registering. The  geo-filter puts me in games outside my circle. 

  • Disable GeoLatency
  • Disable PingAssist (set it to 0,0)
  • Enable Strict Mode
  • Disable Fast Search

Then restart game or wait 10 minutes (in the lobby in the game). If that doesn't work, reboot PC/Console and it should work then.

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