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geo filter issue


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 I just received my Net Duma r3 yesterday the firmware is .21 right now. I see there is a .23 firmware is that version helping with the Geo-Filter?


Because when I draw where I want to play, I set it to strict Mode & ping assist to 00. and it always finds games outside where I mark. so, I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or it needs to be updated.

 For Example, I go to my heatmap and see what servers are busy, And So say I want to play in Italy I map that area out and filter size 600-800 miles and when it searches it puts me in Guarulhos, Brazil lobby, or Oklahoma, US lobby. It's all over the place its not close at all.

please help thanks.

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I've sent you a PM with the firmware, you can install that from Settings > Troubleshooting, once fully complete do a factory reset just to clear out any remnants from the previous versions that could cause issues. If it still isn't work try the above please.

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