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Internet Speed halfed... 1000mbps to 500mbps


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Fraser, and All,

Just wanted to update everyone on where I am now at with my download speed. 

I have been connecting to my router by WIFI. I have used both bands split 2.4 and 5.8 and can NOT get my full down load speed. As I ve previously said I have only been able to achieve half.

I decided to speak to my ISP (Virgin Media) and get my router relocated into my man cave. Which they did yesterday. I can now confirm I get the full download speed following the instructions fraser has described above, however this is using a LAN cable to my PC(Cat8 cable over kill I know).

I placed the router right next to my PC at arms length and then tried to use WiFi again. Unfortunately I still got half of my 1000mbps. 

So I suspect there may be a firmware issue on the WIFI side of things. So if you want your full download speed I would suggest using a LAN cable in the interim until the Duma team push out a firmware update which hopefully sorts the WIFI problem out.


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Okay that's really promising news! We will be doing more work on WiFi but in the meantime see if these suggestions help:

  • Use a WiFi analyzer to find the least congested channel and change to that
  • Experiment with the widths to see what gives better results
  • Ensure it's in an elevated position - not on a metal surface
  • Ensure there aren't any electrical / wireless devices e.g headphones etc within close proximity ~3 feet if possible
  • Set the antennae to this position _ | | _
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